“What a Nice Boy”: The Eighth Son Of Mick Jagger, Who Was Born When The Artist Was 73 Years Old!

Rock legend Mick Jagger is 78 years old. He is a father of 8 children.
Meet the youngest son of the musician – Devereaux Octavian Basil. The boy was born on December 8, 2016. The name of the boy -Octavianu means “eighth”. The boy’s mother is ballerina Melanie Hamrick.
He has been in a relationship with this woman for 7 years. Apparently the musician is finally thinking about starting a family.
The musician had four sons and three daughters from five different women. Mick is also a grandfather: he has five grandchildren and one great-granddaughter, who is only two years older than his youngest son.
The rock star does not like to feel old, so all his grandchildren appeal him to the “you”.
Devereaux bears a strong resemblance to his father. Some netizens even call the boy a “copy” of his father.
The musician’s fans are impressed with the beauty of the boy. The blue-eyed boy poses for the cameras with ease. The boy probably inherited his father’s artistry.