“The Story Of Billy And Benny”: The Fattest Twin Brothers, Whose Combined Weight Was 1500 lbs!

 “The Story Of Billy And Benny”: The Fattest Twin Brothers, Whose Combined Weight Was 1500 lbs!

Twin brothers Billy and Benny McCrery became famous for their weight. Their maximum combined weight was 1466 lbs. They are considered the fattest brothers, because together they weigh about 1433 lbs.

In childhood, they were the most ordinary children. They were born weighing just over 4.4 pounds. Due to the disease – the cortex of the twins, the work of the pituitary gland was disrupted. Growth hormone began to be synthesized in large quantities and the children began to get fat.

As high school students, the boys already weighed almost 220 lbs and continued to grow. They gained weight, but remained active. Parents went to various specialists, but since this was the early 1950s, consultations with specialists ended up with physical activity and diets.

But this did not give any effect, Benny and Billy continued to grow. To maintain active physical activity, they rode bicycles, and then began to ride motorcycles.

Honda offered the brothers a contract when they saw how big men ride motorcycles with such ease. They traveled from New York to Los Angeles on motorcycles and cars without changing or repairing them along the way.

Hundreds of people watched them with delight and surprise. Such advertisements for cars and motorcycles have been very successful.

By age 30, the brothers each weighed over 440 lbs. They entered the Guinness Book of Records.

Now the brothers are no longer alive, but they are still remembered.

Billy died at the age of 32 in a motorcycle stunt at Niagara Falls. His brother lived another 22 years and died of heart failure in 2001.

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