The son is the spitting image of his father. John Ledgend and Chrissy Teigen celebrate son’s fifth birthday

 The son is the spitting image of his father. John Ledgend and Chrissy Teigen celebrate son’s fifth birthday

Celebrated singer John Legend and his wife, model and TV presenter Chrissy Teigen, recently celebrated their son’s fifth birthday. Sharing the joyous occasion on social media, John posted photos of his son, Miles, with a heartfelt message exclaiming, “Look who’s 5 today! Happy birthday, Miles!” Meanwhile, Chrissy shared pictures of herself preparing to pick up Miles from school, complete with birthday brownies and a green paper crown awaiting him.
Adding to the birthday wishes, Chrissy’s mother, Pepper, left a comment mentioning a surprise gift waiting for Miles in the kitchen drawer, referring to a red envelope. The family celebrated the milestone of their youngest child, Miles, alongside their two other children, eldest daughter Luna Simone and the youngest addition, Esti Maxine, born in January of this year. John joyfully shared a photo of Esti on social media, expressing his delight at Chrissy’s strength and resilience during the birth and the happiness of Luna and Miles embracing their little sister.The arrival of Esti marked a special and long-awaited moment for John Legend’s family, as they had previously experienced the loss of a child three years ago due to complications. While there were speculations about Esti’s birth being through a surrogate, Chrissy Teigen dispelled those rumors by sharing photos of her C-section.Reflecting on Mother’s Day, Chrissy expressed her gratitude for all the women who contribute to her children’s upbringing. She shared photos of these influential individuals, acknowledging their presence and support in their lives. The post received an outpouring of positive comments, with fans appreciating Chrissy’s honesty and openness.
Chrissy Teigen’s journey as a mother has been marked by both joyous moments and challenging experiences, and she continues to inspire and connect with her followers through her candid and sincere sharing.

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