“Stylish Little Model”: A Girl Became Popular For Dressing Like a Grown-Up!

Maya Basol from Turkey will soon be only nine years old, but she is already a frequent guest at fashion shows.
She has her own Instagram account and gains thousands of likes, and all because she simply loves to dress up, and chooses clothes that are not childish at all.
The baby has delicate features, and her mother decided that she would emphasize her beauty and instill a sense of style from a very young age.
Social media users could not help but pay attention to this beauty. At the moment, more than 250 thousand people have subscribed to her page.
In addition, she and her dad run a YouTube blog on culinary topics.
Now Maya attends swimming and vocal classes. But alas, there is no free time for games. Her whole day is scheduled.
As gifts, the model orders brand new clothes for herself, not dolls or toys.
The girl is always dressed stylishly and fashionably, regardless of whether she goes to school, to fashion show, or to the store with her mother.
Turkish fashion houses invite her to participate in events where she makes a real splash. Of course, not everyone can achieve such success at such a young age. There are people who believe that children need childhood.
The photographs show that the girl is happy and loves what she does, but isn’t this the most important thing?
What do you think about it?
Share your opinion in the commnets and enjoy the girl’s stylish shots!