“Strong Will And Patience”: What Does a Girl Who Used To Weigh 227 lbs Look Like Now?

 “Strong Will And Patience”: What Does a Girl Who Used To Weigh 227 lbs Look Like Now?

In society, there are certain standards of beauty, according to which full girls are not as attractive as slender ones. Therefore, girls tend to lose weight in order to meet the standards to some extent.

However, losing weight is a complex process that requires willpower, knowledge and patience.

A girl named Kate back in 2011 weighed approximately 227 lbs. She has been dissatisfied with her appearance all her life. She dreamed of changes and a slim figure. She couldn’t afford nice cute handkerchiefs. She had to choose clothes in large size stores.

The psychological situation worsened when the girl’s skirt burst at the seams one day. She became depressed, did not leave the house and did not want to communicate with anyone.

After studying the information, she began to eat only healthy food, she went to the gym, and began to move a lot. The girl realized that the main thing is the desire to change her life for the better!

For 8 months, Kate managed to lose 66 pounds. But as they say: there is no limit to perfection. Losing weight is not the goal of her life, the real goal is to be always healthy!

To this day, she continues to work on herself: she eats healthy food and regularly visits the gym.

She now weighs 116 lbs. Soon, the girl started a page on Instagram, where she shares her successes and weight loss secrets.

Now the girl is in complete harmony with herself.

Kate just wanted to show that everything is possible if you have a strong desire!

Did you like the story of the girl? You can tell us your story as well. Waiting for you in the comments!

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