Saved Robert Downey Jr., Was in a Relationship with Kennedy: Little-known Facts about Sarah Jessica Parker

 Saved Robert Downey Jr., Was in a Relationship with Kennedy: Little-known Facts about Sarah Jessica Parker

One of the famous Hollywood actresses is Sarah Jessica Parker, who won the “Golden Globe” award four times. She not only starred in many films, but also produced. The actress has her own line of clothes and accessories. Read interesting facts from her life below.

At first, her family name was Bar-Ka, then it was changed to Parker. Sara has siblings. After the divorce, the mother married another man, who had four children. In other words, there were eight children in Jessica’s family.
For Jessica, having a family like this has its advantages, it has taught her a lot about life. And after becoming independent, she was already ready for a single life.

Jessica has been in love with acting and cinema since childhood. She attended an acting school and at that age already played in TV series. He was also engaged in ballet and vocals.

When Jessica first became famous, she had an affair with actor Robert Downey, who was also just starting his career. They met during the filming of the drama “Firstborn” and that’s when love was born. However, Robert was a drug addict, due to which Parker broke off their relationship. The actress said that she tried in every way to prevent Robert from doing so, but she did not succeed.

The star also had a short affair with the son of the former US president, John Kennedy, but she did not talk about it, and it can be said that their relationship was mostly secret. Everything became clear only after their separation.
Parker’s character, Carrie Bradshaw, teaches that women can achieve their goals without the help of men. Women can also have a career and develop.

Initially, Parker did not want to play the character of Carrie, because there were exposed scenes, and the actress did not want to appear naked in the series. The creators of the series did not want to lose the talented actress, so they made changes. Kim Cattrall became the main actor.

And Parker did not like the character given to her at all, and the creators of the series had to make changes in the appearance of the characters as well.

In 1997, the actress started a family with Matthew Broderick. The bride was unique in that her wedding dress was black. There is no comment from the actress regarding this. Only years later, she said that he regretted such a choice, but she could not change anything.

Parker’s life was also full of difficulties, as her husband remained in the stellar shadow of her wife. However, the actress never made her personal life public, thus saving her family. Matthew is always grateful to her for saving the family from destruction.

Jessica always dreamed of having a big family. She had her first child at the age of 37. After that, the actress had health problems, so she decided to turn to a surrogate mother. Months later, twins were born.

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