Oldest Person On Earth Dies At 118: Became a Nun, Survived 10 Popes And Saw The Sinking of The Titanic

 Oldest Person On Earth Dies At 118: Became a Nun, Survived 10 Popes And Saw The Sinking of The Titanic

In January 2023, the longest-lived person on earth, Sister Andre, died. Her life was full of spectacular events. Andre Randon was an eyewitness to the events of Aynchis that we can only read about in books or see in movies.

Sister Andre was born in 1904 and was named Lucille Rendon. The girl started working at the age of 12. The first job was in the Marcel family as a governess. Then she was a teacher. Years later, she became a nurse and received the name Andre, by which she was known.

As a nurse, she worked first in Vichy and then in Drome hospitals. She worked here until her retirement. Even after retirement, she did not stop practicing her profession. Until she was a hundred years old, she worked part-time.

After five years, her health did not allow her to continue her favorite work. She moved to a nursing home.

Lucille Rando witnessed many historical events: World War I, epidemic, World War II. During the Second World War, she helped the wounded, disabled and children.

And now the most important and interesting part of the story: What is the secret of his longevity? She answered this question: “My work made me live.”

She had a mission on earth, that’s why she lived so long. Andre’s death was a great pain for many people.

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