“Now he’s more brutal.” What did 59-year-old Mark Strong look like with his hair before he went bald?

In 2009, Strong shared his story with The Telegraph about losing his hair at the tender age of 25. This affected him emotionally and caused him to feel down and embarrassed, causing a significant impact on his life.
Initially, hair loss wasn’t a major issue for Strong. In fact, in 1990 when he played Constable Gibb in the BBC series The Bill, he still had a full head of hair at 27.
However, apparently, shortly after that, the bald patches already became noticeable. In 1991, Strong donned a Nazi cap to play Larry Elikann’s character in the movie Against the Wind. The way he wore it also successfully camouflaged his identity. While this was also demanded by the script, it was an astute choice of disguise.
After watching the footage of Strong’s subsequent movie “Trapped” released in 1994, it finally became clear that Mark Strong had taken the leap and gone bald by that time.
Despite having to shave his head for certain roles, the actor was still able to portray many characters on-screen thanks to wigs. In fact, in 1996, he even portrayed Mr. Knightley in the televised version of Jane Austen’s Emma.