It Is Not a Profession, But a Vocation: A School Teacher Travels 8 Kilometers Every Day To Feed Poor Students!

 It Is Not a Profession, But a Vocation: A School Teacher Travels 8 Kilometers Every Day To Feed Poor Students!

Today we will tell you a story about an amazing person.

Zane Pauls is an elementary school teacher in the British city of Grimsby. He walks 8 kilometers every day delivering food to his poor pupils.

There are families in need who really need this food. Thus, every day he distributes 78 sets of food in bags and backpacks. The school, of course, could have hired a special person with a car to deliver food, but the teacher decided to do it himself.

Zane is a teacher who is dedicated to his students for free. He communicates with the parents of the pupils, gives pupils additional tasks, and even delivers food to needy families with his own hands.

He believes that in this way he makes the life of poor families a little less difficult. So the children can at least devote their time to studying and not looking for food.

This man has become a local legend. Everyone admires him: colleagues, schoolchildren, acquaintances and everyone who learns about his good deeds.

“When I bring food to my students, I make myself feel useful. I’m glad that I can at least feed them so that they can only think about their lessons,” says Pauls.

What would you say to this person if one day have a chance to meet him?

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