“He Was Like a Dandelion At 3!”: What Does The Boy Who Conquered The Hearts Of All The Netizens With His Hair Look Like Now?

 “He Was Like a Dandelion At 3!”: What Does The Boy Who Conquered The Hearts Of All The Netizens With His Hair Look Like Now?

We present to your attention baby Junior. Parents and doctors were shocked when a baby with fluffy hair was born. At birth, he already had long chic hair. And it seemed rather unusual for everyone.

Doctors said that the hair would soon fall out and the new hair that would then grow back would no longer be so fluffy. But quite the opposite happened. Over time, the hair became thicker and longer.

Chelsea, the baby’s mom, recalls that Junior got everyone’s attention wherever they went. The kid was always surrounded by a crowd of people who were looking  with amazement at the boy’s hair and asking permission to touch it.

Junior’s mom admits that she didn’t even want to cut the boy’s hair, as they seemed special to her. But this had to be done, because the hair became too long and bothered the child.

Unfortunately, the hair that grew were not so thick. But the most impostant is that the boy remained as cheerful and sweet as he was before.

Chelsea remembers her son’s hairstyle with a smile and loves to tell about it.

Such a fascinating story! Did you like it?

How dis you like the boy with fluffy hair?



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