“Happy without hair!” Black Panther star Lupita Nyong’o stuns with bald head appearance

Lupita Nyong’o shocked her fans with her dramatic transformation in her looks. People who primarily recall the award-winning star from ‘Black Panther’ mostly saw her with thick & curly hair, but now they noticed she was suddenly bald. The actor posted a photo on Instagram depicting her new hairstyle, which came as a surprise to viewers.
The reasons why Lupita took this drastic step remain unknown. However, some of her fans think she may have done it for a new role. Respecting the fact that she was comfortable enough to make such a drastic transformation, her admirers expressed their admiration for the star.
Lupita Nyong’o has always been known to take risks when it comes to her hairstyle, having already shocked audiences with a very short cut.
This time, she took things up a notch by shaving the side of her head like a typewriter. It’s certainly not the first time we’ve seen a celebrity make such an unconventional move!