Guy has enlarged his lips so much that he can’t close his mouth

 Guy has enlarged his lips so much that he can’t close his mouth

In today’s era, the option of altering one’s appearance through plastic surgery has become increasingly accessible. However, it is not uncommon for individuals to lose their sense of proportion once they embark on this transformative journey. Jonathan, a young man from Canada, serves as a prime example.
From a tender age of five, Jonathan fixated on his perception of perfection, which happened to align with the popular Ken doll. While one might expect tastes to evolve with time, Jonathan remained steadfast in his desire to become a living replica of Ken, a determination that persisted even after two decades.
Seeking assistance from plastic surgeons, he underwent numerous procedures involving fillers to alter his facial features. However, it seemed that no amount of intervention could satisfy his aspiration. Eventually, his lips swelled to such an extent that closing his mouth comfortably became a challenge. Despite this, Jonathan remains content with his appearance and desires to continue his ongoing “transformation.”
Regrettably, medical professionals are reluctant to administer further fillers, as it poses a significant risk to his health and even his life. The concept of a living “Ken” is met with caution and concern. What are your thoughts on such extensive alterations to one’s appearance?

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