Friendship At a Distance: The Penguin Travels Thousands Of Kilometers Every Year To See Its Human Friend!

A Brazilian found a penguin submerged in an oil slick. The penguin was lying motionless on the beach when João Pereira de Souz, 71, found it. It turned out that the animal fell into an oil slick and was in a dying state.
The man took pity on the penguil and took it home. He took care of the penguin and cured him. Juan named him Dindim.
He nursed the bird until it fully recovered. Then the man released him to the wild and began to live an ordinary life.
A couple of months later, they met again. Dindym was healthy and seemed to have grown a little. The penguin stood at Juan’s house and didn’t want to go anywhere.
Since that time, it has become a habit for the penguin to spend several months of the year – from June to February, with his human friend. And then it returns to the place of its natural habitat and reproduction – the coast of Argentina and Chile.
Dindim climbs into Juan’s lap and leans his head against him. How cute!
And so for the fifth year in a row, the penguin overcomes thousands of kilometers of travel to Brazil.