“Far from perfect!” How the Kardashian sisters look without photoshop and from a different angle

It’s interesting to observe how the Kardashian-Jenner sisters portray themselves on different social media platforms. Here we have pictures taken from the same event on the same day, and you can clearly see a stark difference between how they look in real life and in their posts.The sisters shared some of their own pictures on the left, while professional photographers produced the images on the right.
Kim Kardashian
Despite digital manipulation, Kim looks different in reality than she does in the heavily edited photos. Her shoulders appear broader and she appears more muscular. The pictures simply don’t reflect her true self, as they have been heavily Photoshopped to make her look much thinner than she is.
A large zit on your forehead – it’s a common occurrence. Reality is that our skin isn’t always as perfect as we’d like it to be, due to wrinkles, lines and when foundation gets trapped in pores.
The renowned cleric is not especially spick and span nor towering.
Life has a more “cut-throat” perspective than social networks, as it doesn’t make allowances for naive optimism.
Kourtney Kardashian
Despite appearing flattering in edited photos, the actual effect of this dress is far from attractive. In reality, it creates an unflattering fit that makes it look like you’ve been mauled by a dog. Social media influencer Courtney Nets distorted her waist to create an hourglass shape and heavily cropped her face to appear slimmer.
Khloe Kardashian
Chloe’s face is 1.5 times wider than the average person, not possessing the usual wide-eyed gaze of a deer. Additionally, their eyebrows are shaped differently and their lips not so neat in comparison to others’.
Kylie Jenner
Compared to the photos in social media, real life doesn’t have a visible waistline but does have more prominent cheeks. Additionally, the face looks wider in reality.
In the end, Kylie’s pink hippo costume was far from flattering. It didn’t look anywhere near as good as the original photo had looked with Photoshop editing.
Kendall Jenner
In reality, our skin is not as elastic and face contours are not as defined. Furthermore, eyes and lips appear to be smaller than they appear in photos on Instagram. Despite this, the girl is still attractive but due to the stark contrast between reality and her virtual representation, it’s hard for people to perceive that beauty.
Finally, for dessert – the famous momager, Kris Jenner made by her daughters!
For a 64-year-old, Chris looks great. However, it’s odd to see her photoshopping herself to appear like she is 40. Her skin has been blurred and excessively smoothened, all wrinkles have been removed. Additionally, her lips and eyes are enlarged for an unnatural effect. Social networks create an alternate reality that can be quite intimidating. Without a point of comparison, it’s easy to lose perspective and normalize things that may not be healthy.