“Are they relatives?” What does the mother of Leonardo DiCaprio look like

Irmelin Indenbirken is the woman responsible for Leonardo DiCaprio’s fame. She bravely decided to go her own way after just a year of being with his father, leaving behind an undeniable legacy.Together with the boy, she lived in a poor area and worked in several places at once in order to achieve a better future for the heir.
From an early age, it was clear that DiCaprio was gifted. Hence, his mother Indenbirken took him to different auditions and encouraged him when he wanted to drop out of school in order to pursue a career as an actor.
Indenbirken has no doubt been through a lot of struggles, which has taken its toll on her appearance.
Despite this, her son Leo DiCaprio does not have a care in the world and continues to bring her as his plus one to social events as a sign of appreciation for everything she’s done. Regardless of other people’s judgement, their bond remains strong.