Annegret Raunig – A Mom Of 13 Children, Gave Birth To Quadruplets At The Age Of 65. How Does The Family Live Now?

65-year-old Annegret Raunig from Berlin shocked the world in May 2015 by giving birth to four children. Children were born prematurely at the sixth month of pregnancy.
At birth, they weighed less than one kilogram. Annegret already had 13 children then, but for some reason the woman decided to give birth again.
So this is the story of this woman.
Annegret Raunig worked as an elementary school teacher. She was married five times and gave birth to twelve children. Being already a grandmother and having already retired in 2005, she again gave birth to a child. With the help of artificial insemination, at the age of 55, she gave birth to a healthy girl, who was later named Leila.
The story of this woman received loud publicity. Then motherhood was not encouraged by all citizens. Annegret was condemned for irresponsible behavior and selfishness. At the age of 64, she decided to become a mother again – for the 14th time.
In her home country, egg donation was not particularly encouraged. Then she decided to turn to Ukrainian doctors. She was implanted with an artificially fertilized egg from a donor. But it turned out that four eggs were implanted at once.
Doctors were worried about the woman’s health, because she was no longer young and her body could not withstand hard pregnancy. But Annegret made the responsible decision to keep all four embryos.
Annegret was very attentive to her health, led a healthy lifestyle and her pregnancy, despite the risks, proceeded normally. The babies were born by caesarean section and prematurely – boys Sonnet, Vance and Figgin and a girl Nita. A girl who weighed only 700 grams underwent an emergency operation after birth.
After the birth of quadruplets, the family moved to a new larger house a little further from the capital. The German government gave the woman a special award for having so many children.
Annegnet is happy in her gang, who run around screaming and turning everything upside down all day long. The mother of 17 children has never regretted her decision to be a mother of many children.
Unfortunately, some of the doctors’ predictions came true over time. The quadruplets had some health problems. But the woman does not lose heart and is sure that they will survive everything together.