A 12-Year-Old Girl Has an IQ Higher Than That Of Einstein: What Issues Of Global Importance Is The Girl Trying To Solve?

 A 12-Year-Old Girl Has an IQ Higher Than That Of Einstein: What Issues Of Global Importance Is The Girl Trying To Solve?

This 12-year-old girl from Mexico is a child prodigy. Her IQ level is 162 points. Being still a child, she entered the university at the Faculty of Engineering. The girl even participates in scientific conferences.

The child prodigy’s name is Maite Perez Sanchez. Her mother said that from early childhood, the girl showed strange behavior: she could play alone for hours, other children were not interesting to her.

Doctors diagnosed Mayte with autism spectrum disorder – Asperger’s syndrome. It is a disorder that is characterized by difficulties in communication and a desire to do some strange things.

She has an early development. At the age of three the girl already read expressively. She studied the periodic table during the breaks at school, instead of relaxing or playing with classmates.

Our heroine had communication problems. She could not communicate with her peers,  there were often misunderstandings between them. She told her mother about her problems.

The woman took her daughter to the center for testing gifted children. It turned out that she had an IQ of 162 points. For comparison, imagine that Albert Einstein had an IQ of only 160.

A special training system was developed for her. In addition to school subjects, Adhara studies system and industrial engineering. Can you imagine shs is already accepted into Arizona Tech?

She is interested in space and wants to work with NASA. Adhara is considering about colonizing Mars.

This 12-year-old child is very talented and has a great future.


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