“We Want More Kids”: The Story Of The Couple Who Are Expecting Their 16th Baby!

 “We Want More Kids”: The Story Of The Couple Who Are Expecting Their 16th Baby!

38-year-old Petya Hernandez and her 37-year-old husband Karos already have 15 children and are currently expecting another baby. Having so many children, the happy mother hints that this is not the last pregnancy in her life.

The spouses like children so much!

The couple live  in North Carolina in a house that includes five bedrooms, including a separate room with five cribs. They spend $500 a week on groceries and diapers and plan to buy a new car as their 16-seat bus is already too small for such a huge family.

Petty and Karos have five sons and ten daughters, including six twins. This large family is resourceful: the names of all children begin with the letter “S” – in honor of the father of the family.

The wife, of course, does not work. She stays at home all day long, cooking, cleaning and raising her many children. Only the husband works. He has to work hard to provide for his wife and children.

The couple plan to have more children when the baby is born.

“It is difficult to bring up children. Babies cry all the time and you have to take care of them. But it’s a blessing, and we love it,” says the mother of many children.

Their first child was born in 2008. Petty has been pregnant for almost ten years in a row.

“I get pregnant in the first three months after giving birth,” she says.

Petty also talked about what her daily life is like. Usually everyone gets up at 8 am and she starts preparing breakfast. After dinner, the family has time to pray together and read the Bible.

After that, the older children go to school, while Petty stays at home with the younger children.

The family lives together. The most important principle in raising children, according to the spouses, is that everyone helps each other and never leaves a family member or friend in need.

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