The Boy Was Teased Because Of His Resemblance To Michael Jackson: He Grew Up To Be a Copy Of The Singer!

 The Boy Was Teased Because Of His Resemblance To Michael Jackson: He Grew Up To Be a Copy Of The Singer!

Fabio Jackson is a popular blogger with 11 million subscribers because he looks a lot like the famous singer Michael Jackson.

Some people think he had surgery to look like Michael, but he says he didn’t. Fabio shared a childhood photo and talked about how tough it was when he was young because of his looks.

Kids at school used to tease him. But as he grew up, looking like Michael Jackson became a source of pride and fame for him.

Fabio really admires Michael Jackson and has a lot of respect for him.

He purposely changes his style to look even more like him, and he plans to keep doing it.

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