You know him exactly: what the chocolate bar kid looks like today, now 26 years old

 You know him exactly: what the chocolate bar kid looks like today, now 26 years old

Take a delightful trip down memory lane to those moments when you couldn’t resist that familiar face on your favorite chocolate bar – it was none other than the charming Josh Bateson.
Celebrating his 26th birthday in January, Josh has come a long way from his early days as the new face of Kindera, replacing the iconic advertising figure, G. Euringer, who had adorned the packaging for a remarkable 30 years. And oh, what a transformation it has been!
Fifteen years ago, Josh’s journey into fame began when his mom took him to a casting call, and he mesmerized everyone with his enchanting presence, becoming an instant hit as the new face of Kindera. The world took notice, and he swiftly became a recognized and cherished figure across the globe.
As the years passed, Josh ventured into new territories, embracing the digital world with his own Instagram blog, where he shares his life and passions with an enthusiastic audience of over 130 thousand followers.

And of course, it wouldn’t be complete without those endearing photos featuring the chocolate bar that endeared him to millions. His subscribers can’t get enough of those delightful snapshots, and who can blame them?
Beyond his modeling success, Josh also pursued higher education, graduating from an English university with a specialization in international affairs and politics. He proves there’s more to him than meets the eye – his intellect and dedication to learning are just as captivating as his famous face.
As he continues to make his mark in the world, Josh remains a beloved figure, connecting with people through his captivating charm and genuine personality.
So, whether he’s posing as a mannequin or captivating us with that irresistible smile, Josh Bateson remains a timeless icon, capturing hearts and delighting us all with every chocolate bar and beyond.

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