‘Unideal’: how one of the world’s most beautiful women, Angelina Jolie, looks today

 ‘Unideal’: how one of the world’s most beautiful women, Angelina Jolie, looks today

It’s widely acknowledged that magazine covers often portray celebrities as less spectacular than they appear in real life.Sadly, this holds true for A. Jolie, who has long been regarded as one of the most attractive women on our planet. Presently, the actress seems to be grappling with both emotional and physical challenges.Despite carefully selecting elegant attire and using cosmetics, Jolie appears visibly fatigued. Regrettably, unaltered photos reveal how the events she has experienced in recent years have taken their toll on her.Numerous reports have emerged, suggesting that Jolie practically starves herself. Her portions are minuscule, incapable of providing the necessary sustenance for a human body.Some acquaintances of the actress even claim that she frequently skips meals altogether. Consequently, she has noticeably lost weight, which is far from flattering. Her legs now resemble thin sticks, scarcely covered in skin.
Today, it’s difficult to believe that Jolie is any younger than her actual age. Without makeup and Photoshop, she appears closer to 50 years old. It’s important to note that she has access to a team of professional stylists, beauticians, and plastic surgeons.
It’s truly disheartening to witness the decline of an actress who has long been an inspiration to many young girls throughout her life…

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