The Mother Abandoned Her Daughter, Who Was Born Without Hands. See What The Child Has Become Now Years Later

 The Mother Abandoned Her Daughter, Who Was Born Without Hands. See What The Child Has Become Now Years Later

Elmira Knutsen and her youngest daughter, Vasilina, often take walks in their yard. Passers-by are sometimes intrigued by the sight of Vasilina, a charming and smiling girl who keeps her arms still while her legs are in constant motion. In the summer, neighbors noticed her unique talent for sifting through sand using her toes while sitting barefoot in the sandbox.

Vasilina’s journey hasn’t been easy. She was born in the Sverdlovsk region in March 2015 without hands and with a small process on her right hand, consisting of only two fingers. Her biological mother, overwhelmed by fear and uncertainty, made the heartbreaking decision to abandon her. Vasilina’s chances of finding a new family seemed slim, as most prospective adoptive parents hesitated to take in a child without arms.

However, miracles do happen, and the story of Chris and Elmira Knutsen is a testament to that. Elmira, hailing from Bashkiria, and Chris, an American citizen, already had one adopted son and two biological children. Determined to welcome a daughter into their loving family, they came across Vasilina’s photos on adoptive parent forums. Despite the significant obstacles posed by restrictions on foreign adoption, the Knutsens were undeterred.

After a lengthy legal process, the court finally granted permission for the Knutsens to raise Vasilina. The fact that the family resided in Moscow played a crucial role in the decision. Now, Vasilina has a mother, father, and three older brothers who adore her. Although she faces challenges in maintaining her balance as she learns to stand, her loving family supports her every step of the way.

Tragically, societal prejudice and misunderstandings persist. Elmira shares that people often react inappropriately to her children, looking at them with judgment and fear before hastily retreating. However, every two years, the Knutsen family visits Chris’s parents in the United States. Perhaps one day, tired of the lingering judgmental glances, Vasilina may choose to make the U.S. her permanent home.

Behind the walls of their joy-filled house, darkness still lingers. But with unwavering love and determination, the Knutsen family continues to create a warm and nurturing environment for Vasilina and their other children, defying the odds and embracing the beauty of their unique family.

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